

➤ Anesthesia activities in preparation for surgery:

Anesthesiological visit, stratification of the anesthesiology and perioperative risk, patient information regarding anesthetic techniques and risk, acquisition of consent procedures.

➤ Anesthesia Activities in preparation for Surgery:

General anesthesia, regional anesthesia subdural, epidural, general anesthesia combined with regional anesthesia (blended anesthesia), local anesthesia combined sedation, blocks plexus anesthesia for both the upper and lower limb surgery.

➤ Post-operative pain therapy:

Analgesic therapy protocols and evaluation of post-operative pain for all surgeries. The structure adheres to the regional project “Hospital without pain”.

➤ Resuscitation practices:

Intensive care for patients with clinical problems during examination with radiological contrast media, Fluorangiography and Digestive Endoscopy.

➤ Resuscitation practices for hospitalized patients:

For surgical department and for long-term care department with vital function problems.

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