Inpatient and long-term medical care

This department is dedicated to patients with internal medical or geriatric disorders who require extensive rehabilitative therapy. In particular it has been created for frail, polypathologic patients who, after an acute medical event, require a further period of hospital stay aimed at stabilizing their clinical picture.


  • Long-term care and rehabilitation can be accessed by transfer from Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova Hospital or other provincial and regional hospitals
  • From the direct proposal from the primary care doctor covered by the NHS, private hospital insurance or private payment.


Consegna referti

Head Nurse: +39 0522.328668 Nurses’ Station: +39 0522.328666 Sector A, +39 0522.328669 Sector B, +39 0522.328637 Sector C Physicians’ office: +39 0522.328642 – +39 0522.328628 -+39 0522.328638 – +39 0522.328701 Department Head: +39 0522.328752 LOCATION: Second floor inpatient wing